Mar 13, 2018
Why we are opting for wine instead of beer on St. Patrick's Day?
It's nearly St. Patrick's Day, and although we tend to think about drinking "green beer" to celebrate, we are opting for "green wine"...
Feb 2, 2018
4 Key Differences in Quality When Using 100% Pure Juice
We get a lot of questions about what the differences are in quality between our 100% Pure Juice wine kits and the traditional concentrate...
Jan 29, 2018
3 Benefits of Using Natural Corks
There has been a long debate among wine lovers and winemakers as to what is the best way to seal your wine to ensure it stays good until...
Jan 20, 2018
4 Ways to Properly Age Your Wine
Don't we all wish we had a proper wine cellar that keeps our wine aging at the right temperature and humidity with minimal light and...
Dec 1, 2017
What pairs nicely with Beef Rigatoni?
Happy Friday and first day of December. This bout of warm weather has us jumping for joy! But how does that old saying go? In like a...
Oct 25, 2017
4 Appetizers that Pair Perfectly with Wine and Football
Growing up on the prairies there are a few things we are known for, such as the land of the living skies, endless crops, prairie lily,...
Oct 4, 2017
5 Things To Be Thankful For
With all the craziness going on in the world, it is sometimes hard to practice gratitude. But with Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, we...
Sep 14, 2017
4 New Wines
We are excited to announce four new wines! What makes us even more excited is, they are all blends. Don't get us wrong, we love our...
Aug 11, 2017
BBQ + Wine Pairing
It has been an ah-mazingly hot summer in Saskatoon and we are loving it! We have spent more time outside BBQing with friends and family...
Jun 20, 2017
It is the first day of summer and we have the perfect red wine that you can still enjoy in the summer! Our Barbera is an all-around great...